History of M-H

Mulder-Hardenberg was established in Amsterdam in 1927 by Mr. Mulder. His sales territory was the northern part of The Netherlands. Communications with customers and suppliers was slow and by means of letters and telegrams. Customer visits were rare and when done the train was the means of transport.

In Mr. Hardenberg, an eager sales person with technical knowledge of predominantly electronic radio parts (Firato components), a suitable successor was found. Mr. Mulder retired in 1938 and the company was renamed Mulder-Hardenberg. The business grew, mainly by expanding into different new lines at the request of the growing industries of the fifties. Besides staff for administration and warehousing, a third sales person was hired. The sales territory was expanded to all of The Netherlands and more and more components were sourced in the United States and the UK.

In 1961 Mr. Jan Landeweer joined. Beside electronic components, Mr. Landeweer expanded into electric components. A new world opened for Mulder-Hardenberg and further expansions followed. The company moved from Amsterdam to Haarlem and started a subsidiary in Stabroek near Antwerp in Belgium in 1974. In the early eighties the company started its subsidiary in the US to facilitate the import of US products. In response to a growing demand our expertise was used to start the M-H Services Division in order to develop & create complete solutions. After almost 50 years of successfully building history from the majestic building in the city Haarlem, it was time for a change. The management was now in the hands of the children of Mr. Jan Landeweer. Mulder-Hardenberg then moved to the multifunctional business building in Hillegom. After that a building with more capacity, a larger warehouse including practical offices in Haarlem was chosen in 2020 to meet the demand for growth and offers better accessibility.

​Mulder-Hardenberg today is active in Network Solutions, where customers are served with solutions for challenging issues in data centres or the development of FttH (Fiber to the Home) networks and many more applications. The Industrial Automation Solutions group of Mulder-Hardenberg offers its customers support with industrial automation, monitoring, Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) and very specialized monitor demands.

Our customers